CJCH Solicitors wins Financial & Professional Service Business of the Year – Cardiff Business Awards 2018

CJCH Solicitors has experienced unprecedented growth and achieved important milestones over the last few years, all of which have culminated in the first half of 2018 being a prosperous year for us at the Firm.
Our internationally acclaimed work in combating software piracy and enforcing licence compliance has seen the CJCH methodology become a highly sought after standard in Anti-Piracy, with our team of specialists travelling the world to share our experience and expertise with partner organisations and clients alike.
While building our international reach and expanding our offering through an entirely new way of thinking, we at CJCH still hold our direct, local client service delivery as number one on our agenda. As much as growth and expansion is an important aspect of a modern law firm, we knowledge that law is, at the end of the day, a service. A service is only as good as the quality delivered and the experience of the client. At CJCH Solicitors we see our responsibility being three fold: 1) maintain a constantly high performance level of service delivery to our existing clients, 2) continue to develop our Firm into the law firm of the future by understanding what our clients and the market will need next, and 3) challenge our own thinking to approach the everyday challenges that our clients face, both business and personal, from a collaborative and innovative angle.
It is this dynamic mind set that we have built over the last few years that has allowed us to achieve this prestigious award of Financial and Professional Service Business of the Year for 2018 in the Cardiff Business Awards. We are honored to be among a list of exceptional companies who collectively strive to make Cardiff a better place, and a global player in the business market.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the organisers and panel, without whom this achievement would not be possible, and for their immense education and effort in delivering this grand event. Especially to the founders of the Cardiff Business Awards, Liz Brookes of Grapevine Event Management and Dylan Jones-Evans of University of South Wales.
Also a special thank you to the sponsors of our category, Odgers Berndston, Wales.

Lastly to our staff. All 130 individuals who make up the CJCH family and contribute to our ethos of excellence and determination. Thank you for all you do. Lets continue to shake things up and strive for more.