CJCH Sponsors Barry Comprehensive Barry-Barcelona cycle fundraiser
On Saturday 26th November CJCH sponsored the ‘Barry to Barcelona’ fundraising cycle by Barry Comprehensive. The event, organized by Dai Manley of the P.E. department and his team, saw members of their rugby team, staff, parents and famous faces from welsh rugby, cycle the equivalent of the distance from Barry to Barcelona. The famous faces in rugby who joined in during the day included Martyn Williams, John Inverdale, Rhys Williams, Rick O’Shea and Shane Williams.

The event was in aid of their rugby and football teams upcoming tour-in April 2017 they will be heading to Barcelona to play 3 rugby games and one football game against Spanish schools.
The event went on from 1.30pm on Saturday afternoon before the Wales v. South Africa game and it was a successful day all round with a Wales win and boys managing to raise upwards of £2,000 towards their tour.
The CJCH sponsored t-shirts worn by the boys during their efforts was designed and made by Owen Bull of Happy Embroidery in Dinas Powys-A big thanks to them as they looked great.
Good luck to the team with the rest of their fundraising efforts!