A Day in the life of a CJCH Solicitor

- How do your clients like to communicate? e.g phone, email, face to face
My clients generally prefer email, and this appears to be the most popular method of communication, particularly for routine updates, sharing documents, and being able to have quick responses to any questions a client may have.
Clients appreciate the convenience of being able to review an email from me at their own pace and respond when convenient to them.
- What are some of the common challenges your clients face?
We cover a vast range of litigation issues for our clients, such a boundary disputes, breach of contract, landlord and tenant matters and other areas which each brings its own unique set of challenges. Litigation can be complex, and many clients are unfamiliar with how the court system works. This can cause stress, confusion, and frustration during the process. In addition, litigation can be lengthy, and many clients are surprised by the time it takes to resolve a matter.
This extended timeline can cause clients to feel like the process is dragging on without closure. We are on hand at all stages to help our clients navigate this process and put their minds at ease.
- What is one piece of advice you would give to an aspiring lawyer?
My advice would be to back yourself and never give up on following your passion. I come from a small Valleys town in South Wales, where aspiring to be a solicitor was almost unheard of. However, with the support of my family and my determination to keep pushing myself, I made it.
It wasn’t always easy, but persistence and belief in myself were key. Always keep learning and seek out as much experience as possible in different areas of law. The more diverse your experience, the better equipped you will be to handle the complexities of legal practice.
Stay focused on your goals, even when the road feels tough, and never stop pursuing what you’re passionate about.