Living with Dementia and Planning Future Care

A dementia diagnosis is undoubtedly devastating news for individuals and their families. Although it might be hard to discuss, it is important to plan for your future care and ensure your wishes are carried out.

This week, CJCH took part in a discussion with the Law Society as part of their Dementia Action Week campaign. Our specialist solicitor, John Moore, joins the conversation, which aims to unite people through discussing living with dementia and planning for future care.
How can a solicitor help someone living with dementia plan for their future?
If a person still has mental capacity, a solicitor can put a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) in place to ensure that the person’s finances are managed in the future.
What are Lasting Powers of Attorney and what do they cover?
An LPA grants a trusted individual the power to make decisions on behalf of the donor, if the person is unable to make the decision themselves. There are two different types of LPA. They are for health & and welfare, and for property & financial affairs. It is possible to draw up one or both. Moreover, a different person can be appointed for each LPA, or both can be the same.
What is a deputy and how can you become one?
A deputy is someone appointed by the Court to manage someone’s affairs where they don’t have the mental capacity to make an LPA. A Court application is needed.
What is an advance statement and how can it help someone living with dementia?
An advance statement is a way to provide instructions about your wishes to assist people in making decisions about your health or social care in the future – especially if you lose the capacity to make decisions or communicate them.
What advice would you give someone living with dementia when it comes to planning for the future?
Undoubtedly a difficult topic to discuss, it is important to plan by making an LPA and clearly set out your wishes so that you are cared for properly and receive the assistance you need if your health were to deteriorate.
How can we help?
At CJCH, we use our combined expertise to help you plan for your future care. For more information, contact us via:
Telephone: 0333 231 6405