Managing IP Infringements for small to medium enterprises

A word from Tony (Senior Compliance & Investigator Consultant)
At CJCH Solicitors we look to the future of commerce to tackle the questions facing international compliance and governance head-on. Through our ongoing efforts to combat software licencing infringements and anti-piracy on behalf of our clients we have identified potential gaps in the capabilities of small to medium enterprises (SME’s), in particular, in protecting their intellectual property (IP) rights. As a result of the sheer volume of web-based IP infringements it is impractical for many SME’s to identify, monitor and control incidents on their own. The skills and resources to combat the risks associated with this commercially damaging crime are simply not readily available to all SME’s or, in some instances, even larger organisations.
Over time we at CJCH have expanded our offering to address these pain points and support our clients where they need it most – a sturdier and more robust solution than that which they can provide for themselves.
Our services include an automated IT capability which can:
- detect the scale at which your assets are being infringed
- actively seek their de-listing from host sites
- track that the delisting has actually taken place
Our process, including the intervention of our law enforcement trained investigators, is proven to achieve results swiftly and accurately, while being scalable to suit individual demand. With our ability to proactively monitor our clients IP assets and, if required, seamlessly transition the matter for legal action, CJCH are at the forefront of IP protective services.